
Chocolatina and the Carob Cake

Read Milton Marmalade's complete story about a little girl called Chocolatina who doesn't stand any nonsense. A satire on New Age austerity.


A Fishy Tale - final version of the cover

Here it is: the cover for Milton Marmalade's serialisation of A Fishy Tale on Wattpad. You can read it free of charge.

The first two chapters are now available and Milton will be adding a new chapter every Monday morning.

You can see I have moved the squid a little to make the whole image clearer and more balanced. When tempted to leave something as it is to save time, but something in you is not quite satisfied, then change it.


A Fishy Tale by Milton Marmalade

Rough sketch for the cover of A Fishy Tale by Milton Marmalade
What happens when an ordinary and slightly boring accountant finds a mermaid in his bath? This is the beginning of a tale of love, longing, heroic struggle, the power of friendship, the meaning of life, the universe and rubber ducks.

Rubber ducks. The ones that float in the bath. You never know what things mean these days. There appears to be no consensus in the Urban Dictionary about the meaning of rubber duck, but someone, somewhere will be using the term in a lewd fashion. For shame.

Actually rubber ducks do not play a major role in this story except in chapter one. But there is a Morris Minor in it and the plot involves hallucinogenic chillies, an illegal immigrant called Lola 'Hotstuff' Tabasco and a rather uptight policeman. But I am getting ahead of myself.

One of my associates, Milton Marmalade, is writing this thrilling tale and it will be serialised shortly FREE to read on Wattpad, the zany Canadian web site that allows any writer anywhere to publish their stuff online.

The sketch above is the outline of my cover design for Milton's book on Wattpad. I still have to put all the suckers on the giant squid's tentacles and generally firm up the whole drawing. I think it would look good done as a linocut but that would take more time than I have right now.

Once the design is complete I shall post it here and also the link to chapter one of Milton Marmalade's story as soon as it's available. Remember the name folks, because I think Milton has written a real page-turner. 


I do not exist - 2

It has been pointed out that there is an obvious sense in which 'I' exist. For instance, one can say 'to prove I exist, here is my hand' and then hold up one's hand. While this is clearly the case, one must then ask what 'I' means in this context. It refers to the location from which the voice comes that says these words.

However when we use the word 'I' in other contexts we imply some kind of being that has thoughts, desires, relationships, possessions and some kind of continuity. Nevertheless the thoughts change from moment to moment, desires are fluid and influenced by mood and the whim of the moment, we can lose or gain possessions. We really feel the fluid nature of 'I' when a major relationship is ended or a new one begun.

The meaning of 'I' implying a location of the speaker at that moment in time (as in 'Here I am!") does not necessarily imply the existence of a continuous being, whose utterance of 'I' in the next moment is not necessarily the same 'I'.

What endures is only presence.


Welcome back!

Peace Angel (lino print)
More prints and paintings coming soon.