

A friend of mine, a poet, told me she was sad when someone told her that words are not important. Words belong to this ordinary state of being in the mind. They are mere tokens for reality, codes to which we try to attach meaning, not reality itself.

I said, someone told me that the important part of music is the silence between the notes. In the same way the importance of poetry is the silence created in the listener.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, words can get in the way at times. Just like the much needed rest created in music, we all need to take a break and just breathe. I mean I love a good match of witty banter but there is a lot to be said for silence.

    I especially love the silence between people secure enough in themselves to relax together in the moment. Without feeling the need to entertain or be entertained is peace of mind to me and music to my ears. It is every bit as important as the neutral space on a painted canvas is to my eyes……
